On The Blink

Zak Ferguson

£15.60 / $19.40 (includes delivery)

Have you ever been on the blink?

The narrator isn't unreliable... the universe is. It is on the blink.

Reality isn't reality... it is fiction.

Nothing is truer than fiction though, is it?

Praise for On The Blink:

“Zak Ferguson’s On The Blink is (may be) a toothache-induced hallucination, a frantic meditation on self, on writing, on the passing of time. At times minimalist—nearly white pages flicker like images in a zoetrope—and at other times an effusion of language and ideas, the book evokes/invokes Joyce and Burroughs, tripping through the past, tripping over memories, spinning out tales of child-murderers, movies, the Whitehawk Woman, Brighton, brothers, and a remote cabin. Above all, On The Blink is about making sense of a life not lived in a straight line.” – Patrick Parks, Author of TUCUMCARI

"Zak's experiential text is deceptively simple; it takes the form of shards of a monologue that begin with outlining his daily routine before something or someone (a ghost?) starts to splinter his habits into images and fantasies. The text draws us in, to find our own ghost staring back; in Zak's delirium we find our own, but this isn't therapy, its magick. I loved it." -
Tom Bland, Author of CAMP FEAR

“‘by doing means existing.’ ZF's ON THE BLINK is convulsive, cryogenic, a vortex of immobility's, an armature of spontaneously nanoparticles: halting machine, erasing machine, writing machine. reality is on the blink & knows combusting it.” – Louis Armand